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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes 3-26-10
4142010_91440_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission

Friday, March 26, 2010
9:30 a.m. ET
Bolton Town Hall, Upstairs
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 7:30 p.m. Bolton Town Hall, Downstairs
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan, chairperson, P&R
Don Lowe, Town Administrator
Joyce Sidopoulos, P&R
Tom Wildman, P&R
Tom Pokorney, P&R
Susan Greene, P&R

Decision Description
Approved By
  • Remove the revolving account article from the May ballot.
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Wildman
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
  • Add tennis program to spring/summer schedule
Motion: Sidopoulos.  Seconded: Regan
Regan, Sidopoulos, Wildman
Action Items

Action Item
Due Date
  • Contact Steve Winer and inform him that the Commission agreed to add his tennis program to the spring/summer schedule.  Also invite him to the April 12 registration night.
  • Sidopoulos
  • 4/7/10
  • Update website with tennis program information.
  • Regan
  • 4/7/10
  • Agenda/Minutes
  • Determine cap for revolving account (Team)
The Commission needed to finalize a cap for the revolving account to move forward with the article.  A placeholder of $5K was included in the article.  The Commission agreed that $5k was too low to cover significant costs such as the swim instructor fees.  The Commission voted and agreed on a $20K cap for the account.  

However, after discussing the revolving account with Town Administrator, Don Lowe, the Commission voted to remove the article from the May ballot.  The Commission felt that since the FY11 budget allocated funds toward more events and programs, they may not feel as restricted when operating under the new fiscal year as they had been under FY10.

Further, the idea behind the revolving account had evolved since the original article was submitted and the Commission wanted to spend more time to ensure that the fund they established met the needs of the community and Commission as a whole.  The Commission originally thought that the funds generated through a given event, field or facility should be reinvested in said area.  However, the Commission discussed the possibility of using a percentage of those funds raised to promote more programs or build additional fields/facilities or improvements.  This sentiment was not clear in the article and as such, the Commission wanted to devote more time to ensuring the fund was set up properly with the appropriate oversight before moving forward.  Additional details learned in the meeting:
  • Revolving accounts are voted on annually by the Town (as such, the Commission would have to budget every year for programs, events, etc. in case the Town voted down the revolving account the following year).
  • If the Town voted down the revolving account, all the funds within it would be returned to the general fund. This would result in the Commission not having the funds available to move forward with annual programs, etc.
  • The Commission can solicit funds to help offset program/event costs.  The Commission cannot, however; buy items to sell to raise funds (i.e., buying P&R t-shirts to sell as a fundraising effort).
  • The Advisory Committee voted down the revolving account 4-2.
  • Addition of Tennis Program to spring/summer schedule
The Commission reviewed the tennis-program brochure from Steve Winer and voted to add it to the Town’s spring/summer schedule.  The Commission also agreed to invite Winer to the April 12 registration night at the Town Hall. Regan to post the information on the P&R website and Sidopoulos to contact and inform Winer of the decision.